Monday, 25 November 2013

Accidental Beauty: DIY - Oil Slick Nails

Hi everyone!

First of all, we would like to thank you ladies for the awesome response on our blog and Facebook page you have given us so far. We're still in the midst of working up some really interesting projects for clothesxenvy. We'll attempt to update this space as often as time allows us to :)

It's been raining almost everyday where we live and the weather hasn't been very good in perking up spirits. Hope everyone has been wrapping up in knits, drinking their favourite hot tea and enjoying the best out of the stormy weather!

Inspiration for oil slick nails in this post comes from the fall trend this year: holographic nails. Because it has been raining so much lately, the puddles after the storm at car parking lots inspired this nail look - accidental beauty from pollution.
Here is a short tutorial on how to get Oil Slick Nails!

What you need to get stylish in-trend oil slick nails:
1. Clear nail polish
2. Black nail polish
3. Green & purple glitter nail polish

1.  Apply one coat of clear nail polish (FACESHOP)
2.  Apple two coats of black nail polish (1126 Smoke And Ashes from China Glaze)
3. Apple one coat of green & purple glitter nail polish (we used FACESHOP's glitter nail polish to get the oil slick effect)
4. Apply one clear coat of nail polish (to prevent the glitter from dropping or chipping)

From plain black looking nails:

To this:

We must warn you first that this is our version of oil slick nails. They are very hard to achieve if you don't have the right nail polish for it, so do not be disappointed if you can't get the kind you want!

Hope this helped, and if it didn't you can always google it. Each combination of nail polishes will turn out differently so just continue to experiment with different brands & kinds!

Here's a website with an array of some other nail polishes that might give you different oil slick looks:

What's your latest nail trend that you're rocking this fall? Any rad colors that you're finding yourself sporting lately? We'd love to hear from you :)

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